Monday, July 30, 2007

I'm feeling much better now

Nearly two weeks later and I'm almost back to normal. Throat is still sore a bit but I'm almost eating normally. I'm still a bit hesitant when I swallow, and I havne't been able to guzzle liquids like I want to. It's summer, and there's nothing better than taking a big bottle of ice water to the head! But alas, I can only swallow, pause, swallow, pause. That sucks.

I return to work next week so I hope the soreness is gone completely by then. I did lose 15 pounds, but I think they're creeping back up on me now that I'm able to eat again. Figures. You can't lose weight that fast and keep it off, even if I tried, its just not normal. My body was in shock and now its like, ooooh, okay, you were just kidding around!!!

I've been researching what life is going to be like without my uvula and it appears there will be some adjustments necessary. The uvula keeps your throat moist, so I can look forward to various episodes of dry, raspy throat irritation which can lead to minor illnesses like strep throat and infection (at least that's what I read). Did I mention already that apparently if you have no uvula, you will not be able to drink out of a water fountain because it will run out of your nose???? How horrible! I'm also reading that this type of surgery could cause scar tissue and another surgery might be necessary to remove it. I really hope that's not the case because I'm not down for another surgery.

I've been advised to call a malpractice attorney just for a consultation because I was not aware that I was going to have a uvulaectomy and my doctor should not have done this without discussing it with me first. I'm not a big lawsuit filer (lol) so I don't know, but I do feel....violated. Like, I wish he had talked to me first, I can't even explain the feeling of going under anesthesia with one understanding, then waking up and finding out that something else took place and decisions were made while you were asleep. Decisions about your body - and things removed from your body. I could see if my uvula was diseased, but just because it was swollen???? Maybe it was swollen because my tonsils were swollen?

I need to think on this more.

Anyone else nervous about this upcoming operation, here's a great site I found that even has videos of the surgery - can you stand it??? I never watched the videos because I'm too squeamish, but they might help someone else. I dont' even want to see it now, I'm just glad its over!